Air fryer Parmesan Crusted Fish Fillet

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- Pat fish dry using paper towel and season with salt and pepper.
- Mix together mustard and mayonnaise and spread over the top of each fillet.
- Combine Panko crumb, Parmesan, parsley and lemon zest and spoon onto a flat plate. Press the mustard smeared side of fish into crumb, pressing down firmly to make it stick.
- Line air fryer basket with a small sheet of baking paper. Lightly spray Parmesan crumb with cooking spray and place in the air fryer in a single layer. Cook for 15-20 minutes at 170°C or until crumb is golden and fish is cooked through. Cook in batches as necessary. Serve immediately with an apple and kaleslaw salad and lemon wedges.
More Tips
- To cook in the oven. Bake at 220֯ C for 10-12 minutes, finish under a hot grill until crumb is golden.
- Cook times will vary depending on the thickness of your fillets and variations in air fryers. Always start with the shortest cook time. Check and adjust to suit.
- Use any firm fish fillet such as barramundi and salmon
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